22 thoughts on “Proof

  1. Oh, I’ve got tears in my eyes. I’d told my whole family about Clue, and we were so fervently hoping you’d get her back soon. What a wonderful Christmas gift! 😀

  2. I yelled (hard to do because I have laryngitus) and then burst into tears. YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I am so very happy for you, your family, and for Clue! I “know” you from MDC and read your blog for some great dog advice and for a dose of your witty writing. I have been checking in every day, just hoping to see a “We found Clue!” post. What a great Christmas present for everyone!

  4. What a perfect holiday miracle. I’m so glad she’s finally home, safe, and that your family can begin to go back to life as normal.

    Is there anything that your family needs that your blogger buddies can help with?

  5. Awesome!!! Our prayers are answered. It’s a Christmas wish come true. Clue came home! I’m so happy for you and your family. Give her a hug from all her blogger friends.

    Merry Christmas!!

  6. I’m so happy for Clue and your entire family! I hope at this point that things start going better. Please let us know how she’s doing. I bet Bronte will be over the moon happy to have her back!

  7. We just got back from our trip to MO to see Mom, and I saw the ShowCardi-L come in, and had to come check out the news! YEAH!!!!! What a Christmas Miracle! Hugs to you and that pretty blue girl. Get some well deserved rest.

    Merry Christmas to all!


  8. I am so happy you found Clue! I’ve thought of you, your family and Clue often and searched the MDC posts many times looking for an update but have seen nothing. While in bed this morning I remembered this site and came up to check. I can imagine the hell you’ve gone through and am so glad Clue is back in your lives.

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